Called to Be YOU!

You are who you were made to be! All of your idiosyncrasies and qwerks make you exactly and uniquely you. The more quickly you embrace those things about you, the more quickly you can get to part two of your personal development.

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, it is time to accept that although you are indeed uniquely you, don’t hide behind it as if everyone should “just deal with it.” That is an antisocial, selfish, and inconsiderate way of interacting with others.

Instead, use your talents and abilities for good. Where can you “plug in”? What about you can enhance the world around you? How can you take what you are made of to make amazing things happen? How can you partner with others and combine your abilities?

It doesn’t matter what you like, dislike, prefer, can’t stand, or can’t live without…you have value, and you are who you were made to be. Please embrace it and share it with others to make your corner of the world so great.