Tomorrow (aka “Talk Like a Pirate Day”) is my birthday. I feel like I have been 44 for a while already, even though I have yet to actually achieve the age. Yes, I believe 44 is an age to be achieved. And it didn’t come easily.
I started this journey at the ripe young age of zero. I remember when I was in elementary school, calculating how many years before I had to be a grown up. One, I hate math. And B, as long as that number was huge, I felt relief. Now I lay in bed in the morning, calculating how many minutes I have until I reach the point of no return and have to get up. As long as that number is huge, I feel relief.
I will be 44 tomorrow, and I still have no significant desire to be a grown up. Being an officer in the Air Force, it seems so unfitting. Youth is really wasted on the young. In my mind, I’m starting to get ready to be in my mid-20’s. I actually feel pretty good physically, with the exception of the arthritis flair-ups and occasional hot flashes. I am training for a half marathon in 19 days. I run an average of 100 miles per month. I’ll tell you right now, my 20-ish self would not dream of doing such things. So take that, 20-ish self!
I used to think my life was so blah. I used to think I had not done anything notable. But I got stuff! I have been an Airman, NCO, contractor, and officer in the US Air Force. I have an Associates, Bachelors, and Masters degree. I am a dissertation away from a Doctorate degree. I squeezed three humans out of my body. I have lived overseas. I have traveled to most of the states in the US. I have repaired electronic and medical equipment for a living. I have been an instructor and an administrator. I have gained (and lost!) 30 pounds. There’s other stuff. I’ve just forgotten a bunch of it because I forget stuff now. There’s not as much stimulated grey matter between my ears to retain everything, you know!
I enjoy life for the most part, even though there’s lots of sucky stuff in between the good stuff. I miss my dad, whose birthday was the day after mine. I wish he was still around. I’d make him some tacos.
So, happy Talk Like a Pirate Day, everyone! I’ll be checking IDs at the gate in the morning if you travel that way. Feel free to wish me a Happy 44th!