Dear Dad,
I think I’ve been doing alright. I’ve been really busy with work and school. I can’t believe I’m 40 years old. I see the grey and the wear around my eyes, but I haven’t changed much on the inside. I know it’s this human condition that we are all subjected to, but I just can’t get used to not having you around. I wish I could talk to you. You always helped me make sense out of chaos and confusion.
In case you were wondering, the world is still a hot mess. And in the midst of it all, I can still have a moment of utter silence and a soft breeze when I get to witness the splendor of God’s Glory in a colorful silken flower. It’s as if nothing exists in the world except that moment and that flower and I am nowhere but in that bubble, not wanting to snap out of the trance.
Dear Dad, I wish I could share my experiences with you. Those things I find unbearable or not particularly interesting would take on a whole different meaning if I could tell you about them…I know they would! I guess you’re never ready to lose someone, but I thought I could be much more resilient. I’m not terribly sentimental about things, but I can’t ignore the hole in my life that you left.
I’m going to be okay. That’s the truth. I miss you so much, but I will see you again in the sweet by and by.