Have you ever asked the question, “why do cars have headlights?” Of course you haven’t, because the answer is intuitive. But take a moment to ponder that question now.
There are really two basic answers, and they both have to do with FOCUS.
1. A car has headlights to allow you to see where you are driving in the dark. Just because it is dark out does not mean you can’t navigate the twists and turns of a road or avoid obstacles. Headlights enable you to focus on where you are going.
2. Headlights on other cars enable you to see other people on the road and avoid their becoming an obstacle for you. Have you ever driven in the fog? I have, and being able to follow behind someone with their lights on gave me a comforting feeling, like this stranger suddenly became my best friend, and we were in it together!
FOCUS in our lives rarely comes naturally to us…squirrel! Trust me, I get it. The most gifted procrastinators (certain that I am one) must work very hard to gain and maintain focus. Think about this: How many times have you had to “start over” with something you have been working on (like weight loss, writing a paper, telling a story, working a project)? How many times have you experienced success in the past by maintaining focus on your goal to achieve it? Okay…now set all that aside! No, seriously! You have to stop looking back at past failures AND successes. Focus on the present. Concentrate your attention on the road ahead. Now. What road are you on and where are you going? It doesn’t matter how bright your headlights are if you are driving down the road looking out the back window!!
So buckle up, eyes front, and headlights on!